To access weekly Gospel reflection videos please click the following image.
Welcome to our Classroom Prayer and Liturgy page. Each week our weekly activities are designed to share, celebrate and reflect upon 'His word' as we come together as a class or school family to encounter and respond to the Word of God.
At St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School, we are fully committed to providing opportunities for all children to know, love and serve God, in such a way that will enrich their own lives and help them to understand their Catholic faith traditions, in an ever changing world and within the multicultural society they live in.
We believe that prayer and liturgy is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship with Him, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
In line with both our legal requirement and, most importantly, our faith commitments, prayer takes place daily. It can take place in different forms; a single act of prayer and liturgy for all children, or separate gatherings for individual classes, key stages or whole school Gospel celebrations.
Throughout the year, a carefully planned child-centred programme of prayer and liturgy is celebrated, taking into account key events in the Church’s liturgical calendar such as Advent and Lenten reflections. It also considers Feast Days, world events, the work of groups such as CAFOD, inspirational people and recognises/includes other faith traditions. This takes place during our Gospel celebrations.
In addition to this, a weekly programme designed to embrace the word of God is prepared for flexible use in classes. This internally planned programme utilises a range of resources to share and celebrate scripture each week and allows children to participate in a wide range of spiritually-enriching activities in different ways. Children are actively encouraged to plan, lead and participate in prayer activities as appropriate to their age or spiritual understanding.
We work side by side with Father Paul, Sister Phyllis and our wonderful parish community in a range of ways to allow the school community to develop positive, spirtual relationships. In addition, our unity in faith with our friends at St John's Church, Hartford gives our school community provides extra opportunities for faith development.
Through our acts of prayer, whether in groups, classes, whole school or parish, we aim to provide a pathway for growth – by planting the seeds in our children- in the knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus.
For weekly activities, please visit this page regularly.
Finally, we are also delighted to be supported by our friends and colleagues at St Nicholas' High School, who kindly share their beautiful 'Sacred Space' resources via the link below.
Also special thanks to our friends in faith at St John's Church in Hartford where additional activities can be accessed by clicking here.
Lara Cannavan Elaine Morrissey
RE, Prayer and Liturgy Leader RE, Prayer and Liturgy Governor and Chair of Governors
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Greenbank Lane, Hartford
Northwich, Cheshire
Tel: 01606 663 630