Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hughes

Class Teacher

Welcome to Year 5!

Mrs Hughes teaches Year 5, alongside Mrs Owen, who will teach the class on a Monday afternoon. We have high expectations of everyone but we are sure that it will be an amazing year, full of learning and fun!

Our RE focus this half term is God's Covenants. We will be studying the many Covenants that God made with His people and how they are important to us today.

This half term, we are continuing to study North America in Geography. We will be finding out about the countries of the continent and learning about their key features.

Our Science unit this half term is Life Cycles. We will be learning about the life cycles of the main animal groups and how different animals have adapted to their environments. This will feed into our trip to Chester Zoo later in the half term.

PE sessions will take place on Mondays and Fridays. We will be focusing on hockey and tag rugby this half term.  Remember the children come dressed in their PE kit on those days.

In English we are studying the book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy.  The book is an interesting take on the traditional tale style book, where our main character Jub goes on an adventure to find something that was stolen from her. Our Reading book also links to this theme; Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman. We will be studying the messages behind the book and looking at how the author portrays the story through his descriptions and illustrations by Lorenzo Mattotti.


Homework for both Maths and SPAG or Reading will be given out on a Friday and expected to be completed and in school for the following Wednesday, ready to mark on Friday.

The children will be learning new spelling rules weekly.  Although there will be no formal spelling test, the children will be given opportunities in school to practise their spellings and to apply new spelling rules to their writing. 


Children are expected to read out loud to an adult and be questioned on the text 4 times a week. This will be recorded in the children's diary and checked every week. The children will continue to bring their diaries and reading books home every day. Thank you for hearing them read and discussing the text with them - we really do appreciate your support.



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Contact Us

St Wilfrid's Primary School

Greenbank Lane, Hartford

Northwich, Cheshire


Tel: 01606 663 630
