Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hughes
Class Teacher
Mrs Ryan
Class Teacher
Early Years Lead
Maths Curriculum Lead
Welcome to Year 5!
Mrs Hughes teaches Year 5, alongside Mrs Owen, who will teach the class on a Monday afternoon. Mrs Ryan will be taking over from Mrs Hughes at the end of January.
Our RE focus this half term is Inspirational People. We will be looking at how Jesus inspired others in his mission and how we can be disciples, following in his footsteps and those of other inspirational people.
This half term, we are starting to learn about the Anglo Saxons; where they came from, how they settled in Britain and what changes they made to Britain.
Our Science unit this half term is Changes of Materials. We will be looking at thermal and electrical conductors and insulators, how materials can be separated using different methods and reversible and irreversible changes.
PE sessions will take place on Mondays and Fridays. We will be focusing on football and gymnastics this half term. Remember the children come dressed in their PE kit on those days.
In English we are studying the book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope' by Joe Todd-Stanton. The book tells the story of Arthur, a curious young boy who goes on an adventure to save his town. Our Reading book also links to this Norse theme; Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman, which delves into the world of the different Norse Gods and beliefs.
Homework for both Maths and SPAG or Reading will be given out on a Friday and expected to be completed and in school for the following Wednesday, ready to mark on Friday.
The children will be learning new spelling rules weekly. Although there will be no formal spelling test, the children will be given opportunities in school to practise their spellings and to apply new spelling rules to their writing.
Children are expected to read out loud to an adult and be questioned on the text 4 times a week. This will be recorded in the children's diary and checked every week. The children will continue to bring their diaries and reading books home every day. Thank you for hearing them read and discussing the text with them - we really do appreciate your support.