Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Bold
Class Teacher
Welcome to Year 2
Happy New Year
Welcome to Year 2's class page.
We are looking forward to updating our gallery to show you what we have been up to and the work that we are proud of.
Things to remember....
- Reading books are change weekly with an adult.
- Children may also bring home a 'Reading for Joy' book from our library. This book is a book for you to read and enjoy with your child.
- Spelling rules are sent out each Friday to practise at home. Children do not have weekly spelling tests, rather we look to see if children can apply the learnt spelling rules in their writing. Children will also bring home a page of Maths or English homework to complete. This should be returned to school by the following Wednesday, or earlier if completed.
- During the year Children also need to learn to spell the words from the Year 2 Common Exception Word list, which is in the files sections. You might like to learn a few of these each week to compliment the learning in class.
- Please remember to read with your child daily and record this in your child's Reading Diary.
- This half term PE will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Children are to come into school in their P.E kits and trainers on these days.
- Bring a water bottle to school every day to keep hydrated.
- Your child may bring a healthy snack or snack money in a named purse/wallet for breaktime.
Spring 2
Our learning will be as follows:
Maths: Multiplication and division, length and height
English Writing: Major Glad and Major Dizzy. Writing focus- Fiction- Dairy
English Reading: Owen and the Soldier(fiction)
Religious Education: Desert to Garden :We will be learning about the events of Holy Week. We will be focusing on the forgiveness Jesus showed during the crucifixion and explore how Lent is a time of reconciliation and forgiveness for Christians.
Catholic Social Teaching: Dignity of Workers
History: Famous Queens
Science: Materials
Computing: Photography
Music: Zootime- Listen and appraise, perform and share
Thank you for your continued support.
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to phone or visit the office and if needed one of the teachers will contact you at a convenient time.
Mrs Bold & Mrs Simeone