Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hames
Class Teacher
Mrs Cannavan
Class Teacher
to Year 4
Class teachers: Mrs Cannavan (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning)
Mrs Hames (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs Simeone
Welcome back to school and happy New Year to you all! We hope you and your families had a wonderful Christmas.
The Spring Term is always a busy term - lots of new things to learn and exciting things to do! We will have to work really hard together but we know that you will be ready for the challenge! Parents and families - we cannot do this without you so a HUGE thank you in advance for all your amazing support and encouragement. Do please keep checking this page regularly as we will be updating it with useful information such as PE days, spellings and other homework, learning and activities.
What is needed for Year 4?
- Reusable water bottle to be washed and refilled daily please.
- School diary to record reading, spellings, homework and important dates/messages.
- Homework books (please return to school as soon as homework is completed).
- School reading book or a suitable reading for joy/library book.
- Lunch bags for those on a packed lunch.
- School stationery and a small pencil case will be provided if required. This must remain in school. If you wish you bring your own pencil case, this must be small enough to remain in your tray and must not contain sharpeners or anything valuable. We will give out basic stationery items during our first week back.
A small school bag such as a rucksack is ideal to bring items to and from school.
Parents - we really appreciate your help in making sure your child has everything they need for school on a daily basis.
Children - we have high expectations of you to make sure you have what you need and that you look after it carefully please.
When is PE?
We will have outdoor PE lessons on Wednesdays and Fridays this term. On these days, we ask that the children please come to school dressed in their school PE kit. Please follow school guidance on PE kits.
What homework will be given and when is it due?
Year 4 children will have 3 CGP homework books; one for Spelling and Grammar, one for Reading Comprehension and the other for Maths.
Maths CGP homework book | Given out Monday/Tuesday | Due/Marked the following Monday |
Spelling and Grammar CGP homework book or Comprehension work book |
Given out Friday SPaG pages 8 and 9 due Friday 21st March 2025
Due/Marked the following Friday
Weekly spellings words | Word lists will be added to your child's homework diaries each Tuesday | Follow up activities linked to these words will be completed the following Tuesday. |
Times Tables Rockstars | Please access the website/other sites and practise your tables for a minimum 15 minutes, 3x per week. |
Home reading is essential and we ask that all reading is recorded in homework diaries for us to monitor. Half termly reading challenges will be completed - watch this space!
What will we be learning?
We will put our full year curriculum map/plan on the curriculum page so you can have a sneak peek at the year ahead. Please look at the Year 4 curriculum map.
For the Autumn 2 term our core subjects will be as follows:
Maths: Area and Multiplication/Division
English Writing: Escape from Pompeii
English Reading: Volcanoes
Religious Education: Prophecy and Promise - Isaiah and John the Baptist
Catholic Social Teaching: Care of Creation
Science: States of Matter: Solids, Liquids, Gases and the Water Cycle.
What else can we do to support our child?
1. Please make sure your child comes into school in their PE kit on the days when we have PE and make sure it is a school PE kit.
2. Please help your child by making sure they have a quiet space to complete all homework and then bring in homework books on (or before) the date the homework is due.
3. Please bring in reading books and school diaries each day. We will help with reading book selection or make recommendations for those making free choices. Please read at home and check your child's understanding of what they have been reading by talking to them about the book, checking their understanding of words and what they have read. Recording reading in diaries is important too and is a great help.
4. Check your child's diary regularly for homework and other information. We may also use our parent messaging system to send you important school information so please make sure your email and phone details are up-to-date with the office.
Multiplication Tables Check 2025 - statutory government check.
In June 2025, Year 4 children will be completing an online assessment of times tables knowledge up to 12 x 12. The purpose of this is to check your child's knowledge is at the required standard and that they can recall this knowledge quickly. There will be 25 questions to complete on-line and they will need to type in their answers at speed onto the computer. This online check is called the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and is a statutory assessment completed by all Year 4 children across England.
We will prepare for this in school but from past experience, your support at home is very important. To prepare for this, we will send information home and will invite all children to practise at least 3x a week using:
Times tables rockstars Times Tables Rock Stars ( - logins to follow.
Multiplication Tables Check - 2023 -
Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe
Final results are not published officially but will be included within end of year reports.
Sacramental Programmes - First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
This school year, the sacramental programmes will be led by Mrs Cannavan in school, with support and guidance from Father Paul and the Parish of St John Vianney (St Wilfrid's Church).
Preparation for the programmes will in the form of a short number of after school sessions and family masses, further dates and details to follow later in the Autumn Term.
The programme will be open to all baptised Catholic children in Year 4 or those wishing to enter the faith via baptism.
The sessions and family masses are essential preparation to receive the sacraments so you understand the importance of attendance at all the sessions.
We expect the Sacrament of Reconciliation service will take place in church in March 2025 and the First Holy Communion Mass will take place after the Whit holidays in June 2025.
We hope you have found this introduction useful and we thank you so much for all your support which is very much appreciated.
Mrs Cannavan, Mrs Hames and Mrs Simeone.